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How to Get Rid of Self Harm Scars

Self Harm Scar Removal

I'm so pleased to be able to tell you that there are self harm scar removal treatments that can significantly improve your scar tissue and restore your confidence. Whilst there is no such thing as total scar removal, there are a number of treatments that can significantly improve the appearance of your scars.  It's about 'improving, not removing', and getting the best possible result for you.

Improve, Not Remove

Whilst I do not have self harm scars, I do know how it feels to have scarring that affects your confidence. I took my first major knock at 11, when I was hit by a car and suffered (amongst other injuries) a severe head injury, leaving me with 22 stitches on my forehead, and two separate scars, as there wasn't enough tissue to put me back together in one place.  I spent years wanting a skin graft and hid behind a fringe, convinced all everyone saw was my scars.

My other major scarring is on my knee, after 6 knee operations and enduring two bone and cartilage grafts – my knee was a mess. I never wore anything that exposed it.

Both of these scars really affected my confidence. They affected the choices I made for clothes and hair and made me feel anxious. So, I really empathise with you if you have scarring that affects you in this way, I truly do.

I was overcome with joy (and excitement) when I discovered scarring could be treated, during my initial training as a Cosmetic and Medical Tattooist. I knew immediately this would be an area of specialism for me. My own experiences are the reason I am obsessed with skin and scar treatments. I can't tell you how amazing it felt to wear shorts for the first time, after I treated my knee. My confidence was through the roof and frankly, it was a relief not to be in jeans in 30 degree heat in summer!

Read on to find out how you can improve your scarring and claim back your confidence!

Scar Treatments

There are a number of scar treatments that are really effective, depending on the type of scarring you have, your skin type and your desired results.

Here's brief overview on the treatments availble to you, we will look at each one in more detail later on.

  • Microneedling / Dry needling.
  • Fractional laser for skin resurfacing.
  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) for discoloured scars.
  • Chemical skin peels.
  • LED Light Therapy.
  • Medical skin camouflage tattooing.
  • Cosmetic camouflage makeup.
  • Artwork tattoos.

Your skin is entirely unique to you, so I don't have a set approach that I use. I recommend booking a consultation, so that I can assess your skin.  We will discuss treatments options, products and lifestyle factors that will give you the best possible results and agree on a suitable program for you.

scar treatments
bringing harley street skin treatments to Hampshire

Self Harm Scar Removal with IPL & Laser treatments.

The Lynton 3Juve system  is one of the most effective and safe skin systems available in the industry, and wonderfully effective at treating different types of scar tissue.

Lynton have incredibly high standards and produce exceptional results, which is why I chose to invest in a Lynton system. With over 25 years experience, it's easy to see why they are the industry leader. They are so good that our own NHS use their systems in clinical practice. Click HERE to find out more. You will also find a directory of Lynton clinics, so you'll know you're in safe hands.

Both IPL and Fractional laser treatments are beneficial in stimulating fresh collagen and elastin  within your skin, helping to improve the look and feel of your scar tissue.  Depending on your scar tissue and skin type, I may recommend one or both of these treatment modalities.

Fractional laser is a resurfacing treatment that is incredibly effective at treating scar tissue. This is an ablative procedure, that causes thermal stimulation of fresh collagen and elastin within your skin. Fractional laser is suitable for deeper / larger areas of scarring.

Fractional laser is not suitable for scars with post inflammatory hyperpigmentation either and again, we would look at chemical skin peels and some light skin needling.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is effective at treating minor scars and scars that have vascular concerns, such as purple or red discolouration. Most scars will turn white once they have fully healed, but in some cases discolouration can be present.

IPL is not suitable for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is where there are dark patches (darker than your natural skin tone) around the scarring.  This is more common is darker skin tones. If your have hyperpigmentation around your scarring, the chemical skin peels and products will be more suitable for you. More on these below.

Self Harm Scar Removal with Microneedling

I am a huge fan of microneedling, as really this is where my fascination around the skins ability to heal began. I always feel that this treatment is a wonderful reminder of how clever the human body is.

Microneedling is often referred to as 'dry tattooing'. It involves creating micro punctures in the skin, to cause a minor trauma. In response to the trauma, your skin starts to produce fresh collagen and elastin, helping to plump the skin, even out the texture and create a youthful and smooth appearance to the skin.  It also stimulates your melanin production, helping your skin to return to your natural skin tone.

You can find out more by clicking HERE.

scar treatments
self harm scar removal

Chemical Skin Peels

It may surprise you to know that chemical skin peels are effective for self harm scar removal.  Please don't be put off by the term 'chemical peel', they are not as scary as they sound! They can be highly effective at treating shallow scars and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation in scars.

There are a variety of chemical skin peels available and a suitable one will be selected, once your skin has been assessed.  They help to remove the dead, damaged surface layers of skin and create pathways into the skin that stimulates natural collagen, elastin and melanin production.  They can be used on your body, as well as your face.

You can find out more about chemical skin peels by clicking HERE.

LED Light Therapy Treatments

I may recommend LED Light Therapy as an addition to chemical skin peels, these two treatments work very well together.  Light Therapy is an underrated and highly effective treatment.

LED Light Therapy involves different wavelengths that penetrate the skin and have an effect at a cellular level. This is much deeper than any products can go.  The LED wavelengths accelerate wound healing, boost collagen, even out skin tone and reduce inflammation in the skin. Red Light Therapy is fantastic for collagen stimulation, wound healing and overall skin regeneration.

LED Light Therapy Treatments
medical tattoo self harm

Self Harm Scar Removal with Medical Tattoo treatments

Medical Tattooing involves tattooing skin tone pigment into your skin, to blend the scars with your natural skin tone.

I recommend considering the scar treatment options previously mentioned, before going ahead with medical tattooing. This is a lifetime commitment, as you will require colour refresh treatments every 12-18 months. The scar treatments that I have previously mentioned are based on getting your skin to renew, regenerate and heal, encouraging your natural skin tone to return,  by stimulating your natural melanin levels (melanin gives your skin it's natural tone).

Please get in touch if you are considering medical tattooing and we can discuss all possible options available to you.

Skin Camouflage Makeup

Skin camouflage makeup is a temporary solution, that requires application every day. These products can also be used whilst you are having treatment for your scars.  They can be a great option, as they allow you to build the colour and adapt to your natural skin tone.  The downside to these products are that they are quite time consuming to apply, as there are setting powders and fixing sprays that are needed, to ensure the makeup stays put.

If you are considering this option, then please speak with your GP. In some instances, certain brands / products may be available to you on prescription. I personally use Ripar Cover (horrible name, I know!) in clinic, as they have a lot of different colours, plus they can actually cover up an entire tattoo – and you wouldn't know it was there! Please get in touch if you'd like to know more, I'm happy to advise you on the correct application of these products.

skin camouflage makeup
tattoo for self harm scars

Self Harm Scar Removal with Decorative Tattoo treatments

Firstly, I should point out that this isn't something that I offer.  However, I'm mentioning it here, as my clients often tell me that this is something they are considering.

Whilst this is an option for you, it's important that you find a Tattooist that is experienced in tattooing scar tissue. Scar tissue is unpredictable to tattoo, and ink can 'blow out' under the surface, meaning that sharp lines becomes blurs or worse, blobs of ink. An experienced Tattooist will be able to discuss designs with you that are suitable for your scar tissue. Typically, fine line work is not recommended, as this has the highest risk of 'blow out'. My advice is to speak with your Tattooist and ask to see examples of tattoo's they have carried out on scars, ideally with healed results. If in doubt, seek another opinion.

How can I help you?

Nikki Butler Skin Clinic

I have been passionate about skin (read 'obsessed') for the best part of a decade. Whilst I love products & treatments, I know that there is a lot more to beautiful skin than these alone.

As a qualified Nutritional Therapist, I know that what you put into your body is equally as powerful and effective as what you put onto your skin.

I have also personally experienced many skin challenges during my stressful corporate career and in more recent years, hormone related skin issues. So I have experienced first hand the effects of stress, insomnia, poor nutrition and hormone imbalances – and it's not fun is it!

My goal is to help you to manage your skin, improve your well-being and energy levels, plus learn how to look after your skin for the long term, in a simple, sustainable way – with that little bit of luxury that we all deserve!

I know that sometimes the thought of making changes to our routines and lifestyle can be daunting, but I promise you there's nothing radical here, it's about helping you to create small, incremental changes for the long term. I have nearly 15 years experience as a coach, helping individuals to achieve their goals, so rest assured I will be there to help you through your transformation.

Are you ready to take the next step?

I had been searching for help with my scars for nearly two years, until a friend of mine recommended Nikki to me. I didn't even know these treatments were available, I wish I'd known sooner. I was really nervous when I went for my consultation, but Nikki put me at ease straight away. She explained the treatment to me fully and answered my many questions! I am so pleased with the results we achieved, I actually feel like I can go out and enjoy myself now, rather than worrying about everyone staring at my scars. Thank you Nikki, I am truly grateful for your help and support. J.M


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How to Get Rid of Self Harm Scars
